Daily Stuff 9-11-19 Satyagraha

Hi, folks!

Featured photo by girlinwaterphotography.

It’s pretty much been mostly cloudy today, alhtough the clouds were thin enough for shadows, with only the occasional puff shutting off the light. It’s been getting brighter since I’ve been sitting here and the shadows have sharp edges. 65F, wind at 3mph, AQI36, UV5. It’s most likely going to rain tomorrow night and then there’s a solid chance Sunday through Wednesday with thunderstorms on Monday.

Yesterday Tempus and I were both very sleepy and very tired. Not a lot got done after the soup except for computer housekeeping. We both had some of the poached eggs end vegetables around 6pm although we had chocolate pie for breakfast… leftovers from having dinner out the other night. 🙂

It got hot in the shop around 5pm, so we opened the doors to air out. By then I was filling in newsletters. Around 7pm the light vanished. Some of it was the sun going behind the buildings, but there were beach fog blobs that obscured things, too. Tempus was out watering plants by then.

The potatoes were finally getting done, so we had some more of the soup and then he headed for Newport with a shopping list again a bit past 8pm. This was mostly stuff to prep for the weekend.

I went in back and started a tvarog to culture overnight and by 9pm I was fading, twisting back and forth in my chair to stay awake, so I went in back to nap. Tempus called several times from the store, too.

He started on the bulk drops at 11:30. By then I was back up and working at the computer. I worked for a couple of hours, then got the soup fridged, made a sandwich and then stitched up the tape measure pouch that’s the next-to-last piece of this sewing kit. After that I went back to the computer, trying to get a week’s worth of newsletters done enough to work with.

Tempus called at about 3:50 wanting to know when Moonset was. He was sitting at the Seal Rock overlook and enjoying the path across the water and the yellowing Moon. He didn’t stay to watch because it was another 20 minutes.

I got picked up at 5 and we were done at 7. There was a trace of light in the east as we were finishing Bayshore, and a definitely glow crossing the bridge, and by the time we were done it was nearly sunrise in a lemon yellow sky.

We didn’t get up until 4pm and I only got to my desk at the shop after 5. We stopped at the PO for packages and we have fans again, at the shop, some of which will get the “sandalwood treatment” and be ready in about a month. I also got my special sunscreen….now that it’s fall. <sigh> I’ve been waiting for it since May, but I also got my birthday present (yes, my b-day was last February) It’s a couple of books that were a bit spendy, so we waited, although I knew I was getting them. 🙂

We have a *lot* of chores to whomp through today!

Low tide – Another from 9-5-17 By Jamie Marie @ girlinwaterphotography


Satyagraha is a term for non-violent resistance used by Mahatma Gandhi, who is honored on this day.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satyagraha

…and of course today is the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Of all the 911 tributes and memes that are out there, I still think this one is the best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyP0JsyvYnA

Today’s Plant is Gillyflower, Clove Pink, Carnation, all names that are used for, Dianthus caryophyllus. This plant has been hybridized to the point where the basic flower and the florist’s varieties (which are all that show up in the article….) don’t look a bit alike, although they keep the scent. These also make a yummy tea. Even a single flower in a cup of green tea is enough! There is a lot of symbolism to the flower, depending on which culture you’re in, although they generally are thought to mean love, fascination, and distinction. They were used particularly in crowns of victory in ancient Europe. – Masculine, Sun, Fire, Jupiter – All-purpose protection, in healing for strength and energy (so perfect for hospital bouquets!) and for healing of broken hearts, add red, rather than pink blossoms. White are occasionally used for the protection of children or those who travel. Dried petals make a great addition to sachets, potpourris or incense since they strengthen the properties of other plants and herbs.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianthus_caryophyllus

The shop is closed on Tuesday/Wednesday. Fall hours are 11am-6pm Thursday through Monday. Need something off hours? Give us a call at 541-563-7154 or Facebook or email at ancientlight@peak.org If we’re supposed to be closed, but it looks like we’re there, try the door. If it’s open, the shop’s open! In case of bad weather, check here at the blog for updates, on our Facebook as Ancient Light, or call the shop.

Love & Light,


Today’s Astro & Calendar

Waxing Moon MagickThe waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or healthy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healings for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams. Phase ends at the Tide Change on 9/13 at 9:33pm. Waxing Gibbous Moon – From seven to fourteen days after the new moon. For spells that need concentrated work over a ¼ moon cycle this is the best time for constructive workings. Aim to do the last working on the day of the Full moon, before the turn. Keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, prepare, trust. It is the time in a cycle to process the results of the actions taken during the First Quarter. During this phase you are gathering information. Give up making judgments; it will only lead to worry. Your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh. Analyze and filter. LOOK WITHIN. God/dess aspect: Maiden/Youth, but in the uncommitted phase, the Warriors – Associated God/desses: Dion, Dionysius, Venus, Thor. Phase ends at the Full on 9/12 at 9:33am. 

Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper with Polaris between.

You know that the season is changing; we’ve reached the time of year when, just after nightfall, Cassiopeia has already climbed a little higher in the northeast than the Big Dipper has sunk in the northwest. Cassiopeia rules in early evening during the fall-winter half of the year. The Big Dipper takes over for the milder evenings of spring and summer. Midway between them stands Polaris, currently a little above the midpoint.
If you look overhead as darkness falls anytime this week, your eyes will fall on the brilliant star Vega in the constellation <<<< Lyra the Harp. At magnitude 0.0, Vega is the brightest member of the prominent Summer Triangle asterism. The triangle’s second-brightest star, magnitude 0.8 Altair in Aquila the Eagle >>> , lies some 35° southeast of Vega. The asterism’s dimmest member, magnitude 1.3 Deneb in <<< Cygnus the Swan, stands about 25° east-northeast of Vega. Deneb trails Vega by about two hours and passes through the zenith at approximately 10:30 p.m. local daylight time.
Uranus (magnitude 5.7, in Aries) is well up in the east by 11 or midnight daylight saving time and highest in the south around 3 or 4 a.m.

Old Farmer’s Almanac Sky map for September – https://www.almanac.com/content/sky-map-september-2019
Goddess Month of Mala runs from 9/6 – 10/2
Celtic Tree Month of Muin/Vine  Sep 2 – 29
Runic half-month of Raidho/Rad 8/29-9/12 – Denotes the channeling of energies in the correct manner to produce the desired results. Nigel Pennick, The Pagan Book of Days, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, USA, 1992, p. 102 Runic half-month of Kenaz/Ken/Kebo – September 13-27 – Ken represents a flaming torch within the royal hall, so it’s the time of the creative fire – the forge where natural materials are transmuted by the force of the human will into a mystical third, an artifact that could not otherwise come into being. The positive aspects of sexuality that are immanent in Freya and Frey come into play at this time. Nigel Pennick, The Pagan Book of Days, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, USA, 1992, p. 102

Sun in Virgo
Moon in Aquarius
Saturn (9/18), Pluto (10/3) and Neptune (11/27), Chiron (12/12), Uranus (1/10/20)Retrograde
Color: Brown

©2019 M. Bartlett, Some parts separately copyright


Celtic Tree Month of Muin/Vine  Sep 2 – 29 – Muin  – (MUHN, like “foot”), vine – The grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is a vine growing as long as 35 m (115 feet), in open woodlands and along the edges of forests, but most commonly seen today in cultivation, as the source of wine, grape juice, and the grape juice concentrate that is so widely used as a sweetener. European grapes are extensively cultivated in North America, especially in the southwest, and an industry and an agricultural discipline are devoted to their care and the production of wine. Grapes are in the Grape family (Vitaceae).

Muin – Vine Ogam letter correspondences
Month: August
Color: Variegated
Class: Chieftain
Letter: M
Meaning: Inner development occurring, but take time for relaxation

to study this month – Koad – Grove Ogam letter correspondences
Month: None
Color: Many Shades of Green
Class: None
Letter: CH, KH, EA
Meaning: Wisdom gained by seeing past illusions.


Tides for Alsea Bay

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
~            /Low      Time    Feet     Sunset                                    Visible
W   11      Low   5:54 AM     0.0   6:51 AM     Set  4:10 AM      90
~    11     High  12:20 PM     6.4   7:35 PM    Rise  6:57 PM
~    11      Low   6:00 PM     2.2
~    11     High  11:46 PM     7.2


Affirmation/Thought for the Day – Great Spirit sees and hears everything, and she never forgets.


Journal Prompt – I wish… – I wish all children would……



~   Life’s Tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. – Benjamin Franklin
~   A meditative man has insight. He can see how he himself created his problems. And then, naturally he stops creating them. – Osho
~   A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tsu
~   One must not take delight in quarrelsome disputations or engage in controversies so as the show the superiority of one’s talents, but be calm and composed. – Lord Buddha

Off to school
We go together
In September’s
Sunny weather. – Anon.


Mabon Magick – Studies – Mabon Balance Meditation – Celebrating the Dark and the Light

Mabon is one of those times of year that affect people in different ways. For some, it’s a season to honor the darker aspects of the goddess, calling upon that which is devoid of light. It’s a time of both positive and negative energy. For others, it’s a time of thankfulness, of gratitude for the abundance we have at the season of harvest. No matter how you see it, Mabon is traditionally a time of balance.

After all, it’s one of the two times each year that has equal amounts of darkness and daytime.

Galina Krasskova over at Patheos sums it up beautifully. She says,

“On this holy tide, we hail the hunter and the hunted, the predator and the prey, the plough and the scythe, the blessings of growth and of decay. We honor our resources, and the frugality and careful planning of every ancestor whose careful household management got their families safely through the cold constraints of winter. Mabon is a time of remembrance and of culling away, of honoring what we have, what we need, but also what we can provide to others. It is a time to look clearly at where we are weak in spirit, where we are strong, and where we stand somewhere in between, a time to take stock of our portion of gratitude and blessings for the coming season.”

Because this is, for many people, a time of high energy, there is sometimes a feeling of restlessness in the air, a sense that something is just a bit off-kilter.

If you’re feeling a bit spiritually lopsided, with this simple meditation you can restore a little balance into your life.

Setting the Mood

Now that fall is here, why not do an autumn version of Spring Cleaning? Get rid of any emotional baggage you’re dragging around with you. Accept that there are darker aspects to life, and embrace them, but don’t let them rule you.

Understand that a healthy life finds balance in all things.

You can perform this ritual anywhere, but the best place to do it is outside, in the evening as the sun goes down. Decorate your altar (or if you’re outside, use a flat stone or tree stump) with colorful autumn leaves, acorns, small pumpkins, and other symbols of the season. You’ll need a black candle and a white one of any size, although tealights probably work best. Make sure you have something safe to put them in, either a candle holder or a bowl of sand.

Light both candles, and say the following:

A balance of night and day, a balance of light and dark
Tonight I seek balance in my life
as it is found in the Universe.
A black candle for darkness and pain
and things I can eliminate from my life.
A white candle for the light, and for joy
and all the abundance I wish to bring forth.
At Mabon, the time of the equinox,
there is harmony and balance in the Universe,
and so there shall be in my life.

Meditate on the things you wish to change. Focus on eliminating the bad, and strengthening the good around you. Put toxic relationships into the past, where they belong, and welcome new positive relationships into your life. Let your baggage go, and take heart in knowing that for every dark night of the soul, there will be a sunrise the next morning.

Author Jenny Heston says of Mabon, and its point as a period of balance,

“While we harvest and celebrate the glorious gifts we are receiving we have to accept that the soil is dying, and release.  We have food to eat, but warmth is gently tucking behind us and cold and dark lie ahead.   Now if this if making you gulp a little, don’t!  Remember you can’t experience light without the dark and vice versa.  When the day and night are of equal length, it offers a powerful vibration and harmony between the time of creation (night) and the time of manifestation (day).  This allows the flow between creation and manifestation to be more seamless and flows with ease and effortlessness.  There are no limits on what you can manifest during an Equinox, however, for a Spring (Southern Hemisphere) it is a time of new beginnings and for us in Autumn it is a time to harvest, release and let go.”


Silliness – Playground duty

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